Table of Contents
June 20, 2009; Volume 50,Issue 2
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Interview with Rae ArmantroutLynn KellerContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 219-239; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Closures of the Open Text: Lyn Hejinian’s “Paradise Found”Jacob EdmondContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 240-272; DOI: EdmondUniversity of Otago
- You have accessRestricted accessComing into Being: J. M. Coetzee’s Slow Man and the Aesthetic of HospitalityMICHAEL MARAISContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 273-298; DOI: MARAISRhodes University
- You have accessRestricted accessGendered Muses and the Representation of Social Space in Robert Duncan’s PoetryANNE DEWEYContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 299-331; DOI: DEWEYSaint Louis University, Madrid Campus
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Art of Tuning: A Politics of Exile in Daniel Mason’s The Piano Tuner and Vikram Seth’s An Equal MusicCAMERON FAE BUSHNELLContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 332-362; DOI: FAE BUSHNELLClemson University
- You have accessRestricted accessScratching the Threshold: Textual Sound and Political Form in Toni Cade Bambara’s The Salt EatersCARTER A. MATHESContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 363-396; DOI: A. MATHESRutgers University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Politics and Production of Contemporary British WritingSARAH BROUILLETTEContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 397-407; DOI: BROUILLETTEMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- You have accessRestricted accessFrom Materialism to Romanticism: The Philosophical Progression of George Oppen’s PoetryDAVID HUNTSPERGERContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 408-414; DOI: HUNTSPERGERLawrence Technological University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Red Power Novel: Revisiting Concepts of Knowledge, Identity, and Experience in American Indian Literature and StudiesMELINDA DISTEFANOContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 415-423; DOI: DISTEFANOLafayette College
- You have accessRestricted accessEpidemic StoriesBILL ALBERTINIContemporary Literature, June 2009, 50 (2) 424-425; DOI: ALBERTINIBowling Green State University