Table of Contents
December 21, 2009; Volume 50,Issue 4
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Interview with GRAHAM SWIFTStef CrapsContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 637-661; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Planet on the Screen: Scales of Belonging in A. R. Ammons’s SphereSUSANNAH L. HOLLISTERContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 662-694; DOI: L. HOLLISTERUnited States Military Academy
- You have accessRestricted accessIan McEwan’s Next Novel and the Future of EcocriticismGREG GARRARDContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 695-720; DOI: GARRARDBath Spa University
- You have accessRestricted access“Anything Can Be an Instrument”: Misuse Value and Rugged Consumerism in Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old MenRAYMOND MALEWITZContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 721-741; DOI: MALEWITZYale University
- You have accessRestricted accessLorraine Hansberry’s Absurdity: The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s WindowMARK HODINContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 742-774; DOI: HODINCanisius College
- You have accessRestricted accessJews among the Indians: The Fantasy of Indigenization in Mordecai Richler’s and Michael Chabon’s Northern NarrativesSARAH PHILLIPS CASTEELContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 775-810; DOI: PHILLIPS CASTEELCarleton University
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Marketing of Postcolonial AuthorsJOHN MARXContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 811-816; DOI: MARXUniversity of California, Davis
- You have accessRestricted accessEducating the Heart: Realism, Reason, and the NovelELIZABETH HIRSHContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 817-821; DOI: HIRSHUniversity of South Florida
- You have accessRestricted accessKeeping It New: Pastoral Rebellion and the Art of YouthMATTHEW HOFERContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 822-830; DOI: HOFERUniversity of New Mexico
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Question of Race in the American Avant-GardeKIMBERLY LAMMContemporary Literature, December 2009, 50 (4) 831-839; DOI: LAMMDuke University