Index by author
September 21, 2010; Volume 51,Issue 3
Boyle, BRENDA M.
- You have accessRestricted accessSpeaking of Vietnam: A Taxonomy of Voices and Themes about the American WarBRENDA M. BOYLEContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 640-647; DOI: M. BOYLEDenison University
Brittan, ALICE
- You have accessRestricted accessDeath and J. M. Coetzee’s DisgraceALICE BRITTANContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 477-502; DOI: BRITTANDalhousie University
Dussere, ERIK
- You have accessRestricted accessFlirters, Deserters, Wimps, and Pimps: Thomas Pynchon’s Two AmericasERIK DUSSEREContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 565-595; DOI: DUSSEREAmerican University
Guttman, ANNA
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Jew in the Archive: Textualizations of (Jewish?) History in Contemporary South Asian LiteratureANNA GUTTMANContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 503-531; DOI: GUTTMANLakehead University
Heuving, JEANNE
- You have accessRestricted accessKathleen Fraser and the Transmutation of LoveJEANNE HEUVINGContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 532-564; DOI: HEUVINGUniversity of Washington, Bothell
Reed, BRIAN M.
- You have accessRestricted access“Let’s Hear It for the Boys”BRIAN M. REEDContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 629-635; DOI: M. REEDUniversity of Washington
Wagstaff, Steel
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Interview with Mark NowakSteel WagstaffContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 453-476; DOI:
Washington, BRYAN R.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Comfort of the Stranger: James Baldwin’s Exile ReduxBRYAN R. WASHINGTONContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 636-639; DOI: R. WASHINGTONLafayette College
Wilkens, MATTHEW
- You have accessRestricted accessNothing as He Thought It Would Be: William Gaddis and American Postwar FictionMATTHEW WILKENSContemporary Literature, September 2010, 51 (3) 596-627; DOI: WILKENSWashington University in St. Louis