Research ArticleArticles
“There Is No Content Here, Only Dailiness”: Poetry as Critique of Everyday Life in Ron Silliman’s Ketjak
Contemporary Literature, December 2010, 51 (4) 736-776; DOI:
Florida State University

- Altieri Charles
- Andrews Bruce
- Andrews Bruce,
- Charles Bernstein
- Benjamin Walter
- Bernstein Charles
- Bernstein Charles
- Bernstein Charles
- Bloom Harold
- Cage John
- Canby Vincent
- Clark Tom
- Clover Joshua
- Collins Billy
- Collins Billy
- Davidson Michael
- Felski Rita
- Gardiner Michael
- Gilloch Graeme
- Goldsmith Kenneth
- Goldsmith Kenneth
- Hartley George
- Hejinian Lyn
- Hejinian Lyn
- Highmore Ben
- Highmore Ben
- Kaplan Alice,
- Ross Kristin
- Lally Michael
- Lazer Hank
- Lazer Hank
- Lefebvre Henri
- Lefebvre Henri
- Lefebvre Henri
- Lefebvre Henri
- Marshall Thomas C.
- Martin Douglas
- McGann Jerome
- Olson Charles
- Owens Craig
- Perec Georges
- Perelman Bob
- Perloff Marjorie
- Perloff Marjorie
- Perloff Marjorie
- “The Poetics of Everyday Life.” Poetics Journal 9 (1991): 166–205.
- Sheringham Michael
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron
- Silliman Ron,
- Barrett Watten,
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- Charles Bernstein,
- Perelman Bob
- Spring Justin
- Thoreau Henry David
- Vickery Ann
- Vogler Thomas A.
- Watten Barrett
- Watten Barrett
- Yu Timothy
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 51, Issue 4
21 Dec 2010
“There Is No Content Here, Only Dailiness”: Poetry as Critique of Everyday Life in Ron Silliman’s Ketjak
Contemporary Literature Dec 2010, 51 (4) 736-776; DOI: 10.1353/cli.2011.0008
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