Research ArticleArticles
City Memory, City History: Urban Nostalgia, The Colossus of New York, and Late-Twentieth-Century Historical Fiction
Contemporary Literature, December 2010, 51 (4) 810-851; DOI:
Brown University
- Anbinder Tyler
- Art in Ruins. Web. 10 Sept. 2010.
- Auster Paul
- Baker Kevin
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- Barrish Phillip
- Barthes Roland
- Baudelaire Charles
- Benjamin Walter
- Benjamin Walter
- Berlant Lauren
- Berlin: Symphony of a Great City. Dir. Walter Ruttmann. 1927. Image Entertainment. 1999.
- Berman Marshall
- Bérubé Michael
- Bilger Burkhard
- Boyd Herb
- Boyer M. Christine
- Boym Svetlana
- Brown Bill
- Buhle Mari Jo
- Burrows Edwin G.,
- Wallace Mike
- Butler Robert
- Calvino Italo
- Cappetti Carla
- Carr Caleb
- Carr Caleb
- Cook James W.,
- Glickman Lawrence B.
- De Certeau Michel
- Doctorow E. L.
- Doctorow E. L.
- Doctorow E. L.
- Eco Umberto
- Eng David L.,
- Kazanjian David
- Fentress James,
- Wickham Chris
- Finney Jack
- Finney Jack
- Fritzsche Peter
- Gluck Mary
- Haley Alex
- Hutcheon Linda
- Huyssen Andreas
- Huyssen Andreas
- Huyssen Andreas
- Jackson Kenneth T.
- Jameson Fredric
- Kammen Michael
- Kasson John F.
- Keen Suzanne
- Larson Erik
- Latour Bruno
- Li Stephanie
- Lindner Rolf
- Link Alex
- Lopate Phillip
- Lowenthal David
- Lowenthal David
- Lukács Georg
- Lukács Georg
- Mason Randall
- Michaels Walter Benn
- Mitchell Joseph
- Nasaw David
- Ouroussoff Nicolai
- Page Max
- Page Max,
- Randall Mason
- Rabinovitz Lauren
- Radstone Susannah
- Rosen Philip
- Rosenzweig Roy,
- Thelen David
- Sante Luc
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- Scorcese Martin
- Seltzer Mark
- Simmel Georg
- Smulyan Susan
- Stalter Sunny
- Starobinski Jean
- Stewart Susan
- White E. B.
- White Hayden
- Whitehead Colson
- Whitehead Colson
- Whitehead Colson
- Wright Patrick
- Yeager Patricia
- Yeager Patricia
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 51, Issue 4
21 Dec 2010
City Memory, City History: Urban Nostalgia, The Colossus of New York, and Late-Twentieth-Century Historical Fiction
Contemporary Literature Dec 2010, 51 (4) 810-851; DOI: 10.1353/cli.2011.0000
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