Research ArticleArticles
Transformations of the Poetry Book as General Economy: Darren Wershler-Henry’s the tapeworm foundry
Contemporary Literature, March 2011, 52 (1) 146-174; DOI:
University of South Carolina

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- “Floccinaucinihilipilification.” The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, 1971.
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- Perloff Marjorie
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- Perloff Marjorie
- Perloff Marjorie
- Phillpot Clive
- Rasula Jed
- “Return to the tapeworm foundry.” By Wershler-Henry Darren, Filreis Al, Goldsmith Kenneth, Sparks Kaegan. PennSound podcast 12. 20 Nov. 2008. MP3 file.
- Rothenberg Jerome,
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- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
- Wershler-Henry Darren
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- Wershler-Henry Darren,
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- Wershler-Henry Darren,
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- Wershler-Henry Darren,
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- Wershler-Henry Darren,
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- Wershler-Henry Darren,
- Surman Mark
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 52, Issue 1
20 Mar 2011
Transformations of the Poetry Book as General Economy: Darren Wershler-Henry’s the tapeworm foundry
Contemporary Literature Mar 2011, 52 (1) 146-174; DOI: 10.1353/cli.2011.0015
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