Table of Contents
December 21, 2012; Volume 53,Issue 4
Boxall, PETER
- You have accessRestricted accessLate: Fictional Time in the Twenty-First CenturyDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and PETER BOXALLContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 681-712; DOI: JAMESUniversity of SussexANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of SussexPETER BOXALLUniversity of Sussex
Elias, AMY J.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Dialogical Avant-Garde: Relational Aesthetics and Time Ecologies in Only Revolutions and TOCDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and AMY J. ELIASContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 738-778; DOI: JAMESUniversity of TennesseeANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of TennesseeAMY J. ELIASUniversity of Tennessee
Gasiorek, ANDRZEJ
- You have accessRestricted accessLate: Fictional Time in the Twenty-First CenturyDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and PETER BOXALLContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 681-712; DOI: JAMESUniversity of SussexANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of SussexPETER BOXALLUniversity of Sussex
- You have accessRestricted accessMichael Chabon, Howard Jacobson, and Post-Holocaust FictionDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 875-903; DOI: JAMESUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham
- You have accessRestricted accessMichael Chabon, Howard Jacobson, and Post-Holocaust FictionDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 875-903; DOI: JAMESUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham
- You have accessRestricted accessMcSweeney’s and the School of LifeDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and AMY HUNGERFORDContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 646-680; DOI: JAMESYale UniversityANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKYale UniversityAMY HUNGERFORDYale University
- You have accessRestricted accessContributorsDAVID JAMES and ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 904-905; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Interview with Caryl PhillipsDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and Abigail WardContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 628-645; DOI: JAMESANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK
- You have accessRestricted accessEthnicity, Authenticity, and Empathy in the Realist Novel and Its AlternativesDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVE GUNNINGContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 779-813; DOI: JAMESUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of BirminghamDAVE GUNNINGUniversity of Birmingham
- You have accessRestricted accessOn Beauty as Beautiful? The Problem of Novelistic Aesthetics by Way of Zadie SmithDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DOROTHY J. HALEContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 814-844; DOI: JAMESUniversity of California, BerkeleyANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of California, BerkeleyDOROTHY J. HALEUniversity of California, Berkeley
- You have accessRestricted accessA Renaissance for the Crystalline Novel?DAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVID JAMESContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 845-874; DOI: JAMESQueen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKQueen Mary, University of LondonDAVID JAMESQueen Mary, University of London
- You have accessRestricted accessIn War Times: Fictionalizing IraqDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and ROGER LUCKHURSTContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 713-737; DOI: JAMESBirkbeck College, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKBirkbeck College, University of LondonROGER LUCKHURSTBirkbeck College, University of London
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Dialogical Avant-Garde: Relational Aesthetics and Time Ecologies in Only Revolutions and TOCDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and AMY J. ELIASContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 738-778; DOI: JAMESUniversity of TennesseeANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of TennesseeAMY J. ELIASUniversity of Tennessee
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroduction: Fiction since 2000: Postmillennial CommitmentsDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVID JAMESContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 609-627; DOI: JAMESUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonDAVID JAMESUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of London
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroduction: Fiction since 2000: Postmillennial CommitmentsDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVID JAMESContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 609-627; DOI: JAMESUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonDAVID JAMESUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of London
Gunning, DAVE
- You have accessRestricted accessEthnicity, Authenticity, and Empathy in the Realist Novel and Its AlternativesDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVE GUNNINGContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 779-813; DOI: JAMESUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of BirminghamDAVE GUNNINGUniversity of Birmingham
- You have accessRestricted accessOn Beauty as Beautiful? The Problem of Novelistic Aesthetics by Way of Zadie SmithDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DOROTHY J. HALEContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 814-844; DOI: JAMESUniversity of California, BerkeleyANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of California, BerkeleyDOROTHY J. HALEUniversity of California, Berkeley
Hungerford, AMY
- You have accessRestricted accessMcSweeney’s and the School of LifeDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and AMY HUNGERFORDContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 646-680; DOI: JAMESYale UniversityANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKYale UniversityAMY HUNGERFORDYale University
James, DAVID
- You have accessRestricted accessLate: Fictional Time in the Twenty-First CenturyDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and PETER BOXALLContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 681-712; DOI: JAMESUniversity of SussexANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of SussexPETER BOXALLUniversity of Sussex
- You have accessRestricted accessMichael Chabon, Howard Jacobson, and Post-Holocaust FictionDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 875-903; DOI: JAMESUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham
- You have accessRestricted accessMcSweeney’s and the School of LifeDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and AMY HUNGERFORDContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 646-680; DOI: JAMESYale UniversityANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKYale UniversityAMY HUNGERFORDYale University
- You have accessRestricted accessContributorsDAVID JAMES and ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 904-905; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Interview with Caryl PhillipsDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and Abigail WardContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 628-645; DOI: JAMESANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK
- You have accessRestricted accessEthnicity, Authenticity, and Empathy in the Realist Novel and Its AlternativesDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVE GUNNINGContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 779-813; DOI: JAMESUniversity of BirminghamANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of BirminghamDAVE GUNNINGUniversity of Birmingham
- You have accessRestricted accessOn Beauty as Beautiful? The Problem of Novelistic Aesthetics by Way of Zadie SmithDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DOROTHY J. HALEContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 814-844; DOI: JAMESUniversity of California, BerkeleyANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of California, BerkeleyDOROTHY J. HALEUniversity of California, Berkeley
- You have accessRestricted accessA Renaissance for the Crystalline Novel?DAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVID JAMESContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 845-874; DOI: JAMESQueen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKQueen Mary, University of LondonDAVID JAMESQueen Mary, University of London
- You have accessRestricted accessA Renaissance for the Crystalline Novel?DAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVID JAMESContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 845-874; DOI: JAMESQueen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKQueen Mary, University of LondonDAVID JAMESQueen Mary, University of London
- You have accessRestricted accessIn War Times: Fictionalizing IraqDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and ROGER LUCKHURSTContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 713-737; DOI: JAMESBirkbeck College, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKBirkbeck College, University of LondonROGER LUCKHURSTBirkbeck College, University of London
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Dialogical Avant-Garde: Relational Aesthetics and Time Ecologies in Only Revolutions and TOCDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and AMY J. ELIASContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 738-778; DOI: JAMESUniversity of TennesseeANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of TennesseeAMY J. ELIASUniversity of Tennessee
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroduction: Fiction since 2000: Postmillennial CommitmentsDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVID JAMESContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 609-627; DOI: JAMESUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonDAVID JAMESUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of London
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroduction: Fiction since 2000: Postmillennial CommitmentsDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and DAVID JAMESContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 609-627; DOI: JAMESUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of LondonDAVID JAMESUniversity of Birmingham, Queen Mary, University of London
Luckhurst, ROGER
- You have accessRestricted accessIn War Times: Fictionalizing IraqDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and ROGER LUCKHURSTContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 713-737; DOI: JAMESBirkbeck College, University of LondonANDRZEJ GĄSIOREKBirkbeck College, University of LondonROGER LUCKHURSTBirkbeck College, University of London
Ward, Abigail
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Interview with Caryl PhillipsDAVID JAMES, ANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK and Abigail WardContemporary Literature, December 2012, 53 (4) 628-645; DOI: JAMESANDRZEJ GĄSIOREK