Research ArticleArticles
The New Criticism and the Nashville Sound: William Faulkner’s The Town and Rock and Roll
Contemporary Literature, March 2014, 55 (1) 32-57; DOI:
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

- Altschuler Glenn C
- Baudrillard Jean
- Bertrand Michael
- Bone Martyn
- Brands H. W.
- Brevda William
- Brooks Cleanth
- Brooks Cleanth
- Davis Thadious
- Douglas Susan J
- Duck Leigh Anne
- Duvall John N.,
- Abadie Ann J.
- Eliot T. S.
- Eliot T. S.
- Erbe Marcus
- Escott Colin
- Faulkner William
- Fowler Doreen,
- Abadie Ann
- Goble Mark
- Godden Richard
- Godden Richard
- Godden Richard
- Graff Gerald
- Gray Richard J
- Guillory John
- Hungerford Amy
- I’ll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition. New York: Harper, 1962.
- Jameson Fredric
- Jancovich Mark
- Jensen Joli
- Jurca Catherine
- Kazin Alfred
- Kosser Michael
- Kreyling Michael
- Kreyling Michael
- Lott Eric
- Lurie Peter
- Lytle Andrew
- Lytle Andrew
- Mailer Norman
- McGurl Mark
- McLuhan Marshall
- Neal Jocelyn R
- O’Connor Flannery
- Pynchon Thomas
- Romine Scott
- Rossi Umberto
- Rubin Louis D
- Schaub Thomas Hill
- Schwartz Lawrence H
- Seed David
- Skinfill Mauri
- St. Clair Justin Michael
- Sundquist Eric J
- Szalay Michael
- Towner Theresa M
- Végsö Roland
- Warren Robert Penn
- Warren Robert Penn
- Watson James Gray
- Wilson Raymond J
- Wimsatt W. K.
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 55, Issue 1
20 Mar 2014
The New Criticism and the Nashville Sound: William Faulkner’s The Town and Rock and Roll
Contemporary Literature Mar 2014, 55 (1) 32-57; DOI: 10.1353/cli.2014.0007
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