Research ArticleArticles
Apocalypse and Poethical Daring in Etel Adnan’s There: In the Light and the Darkness of the Self and of the Other
Contemporary Literature, June 2014, 55 (2) 304-335; DOI:
Tulane University

- Abufarha Nasser
- Adnan Etel
- Adnan Etel
- Adnan Etel
- Adnan Etel
- Adnan Etel
- Adnan Etel
- Alcalay Ammiel
- Alcalay Ammiel
- Arendt Hannah
- Benveniste Émile
- Benveniste Émile
- Braverman Irus
- Bull Malcolm
- Bull Malcolm
- Butler Judith
- Collins John
- Cohan George M
- Darwish Mahmoud
- Deleuze Gilles,
- Guattari Félix
- Derrida Jacques
- Derrida Jacques
- “Etel Adnan.” Whitney Museum of American Art. Web. 18 May 2014.
- Feldman Keith
- Felman Shoshana,
- Laub Dori
- Fredman Stephen
- Hartman Michelle
- Harrison Olivia C
- Hegel G. W. F.
- Kumar Krishan
- Levinas Emmanuel
- Majaj Lisa Suhair,
- Amireh Amal
- Monroe Jonathan
- Muhawi Ibrahim
- Povinelli Elizabeth A
- Retallack Joan
- Said EdwardW
- Shoaib Mahwash
- Spargo R. Clifton
- Spivak Gayatri Chakravorty
- Spivak Gayatri Chakravorty
- “There.” Oxford English Dictionary Online. Oxford UP, June 2014. Web. 10 June 2014.
- Toufic Jalal
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 55, Issue 2
20 Jun 2014
Apocalypse and Poethical Daring in Etel Adnan’s There: In the Light and the Darkness of the Self and of the Other
Contemporary Literature Jun 2014, 55 (2) 304-335; DOI: 10.1353/cli.2014.0013
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