Research ArticleArticles
The Post-Fordist Motorcycle: Rachel Kushner’s The Flamethrowers and the 1970s Crisis in Fordist Capitalism
Contemporary Literature, September 2015, 56 (3) 450-475; DOI:
Wright State University

- Abse Tobias
- Barthes Roland
- Benjamin Walter
- Bennett Jane
- Bologna Sergio
- Bologna Sergio
- Cooke Lynne,
- Douglas Crimp
- Coole Diana,
- Frost Samantha
- Crimp Douglas
- DeLillo Don
- Eklund Douglas
- Figlerowicz Marta
- Foster Hal
- García Christina
- Ginsborg Paul
- Hardt Michael,
- Negri Antonio
- Harvey David
- Harvey David
- Heise Thomas
- Katz Michael B
- Krauss Rosalind E
- Krens Thomas
- Kushner Rachel
- Kushner Rachel
- Kushner Rachel
- Kushner Rachel
- Kushner Rachel
- Kushner Rachel
- Kushner Rachel
- Latour Bruno
- Lippard Lucy R
- McRobbie Angela
- Mele Christopher
- Meyer James
- Miller Laura
- Negri Antonio
- Ngai Sianne
- Owens Craig
- Rancière Jacques
- Schmidt Eric,
- Rosenberg Jonathan
- Slotkin Richard
- Smith Neil
- Soja Edward W
- Tabb William K
- Virno Paolo
- Virno Paolo
- Wacquant Loïc
- Werner Paul
- Wilson William Julius
- Wood James
- Zukin Sharon
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 56, Issue 3
21 Sep 2015
The Post-Fordist Motorcycle: Rachel Kushner’s The Flamethrowers and the 1970s Crisis in Fordist Capitalism
Contemporary Literature Sep 2015, 56 (3) 450-475; DOI: 10.3368/cl.56.3.450
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