Research ArticleArticles
The New York School, the Mainstream, and the Avant-Garde
Contemporary Literature, September 2016, 57 (3) 346-378; DOI:
Graduate Center of the City University of New York

- “1000 Copies of ‘I.E.’ Sold in First Month.” Harvard Crimson 4 Jan. 1955: n. pag. Web. 29 June 2011.
- Allen Donald M.
- Ashbery John
- Beach Christopher
- Bernstein Charles
- Blasing Mutlu Konuk
- Bourdieu Pierre
- Bourdieu Pierre
- Cain William E
- Chielens Edward E
- Clune Michael
- Cowley Malcolm
- Diggory Terence
- Diggory Terence
- Diggory Terence
- Epstein Andrew
- Filreis Alan
- Goffman Ethan
- Golding Alan
- Golding Alan
- Gooch Brad
- Graff Gerald
- Hall Donald,
- Robert Pack,
- Louis Simpson
- Hess Scott
- Hofstadter Richard
- Izenberg Oren
- Jancovich Mark
- Kalaidjian Walter
- Koch Kenneth
- Koch Kenneth
- Koch Kenneth
- Koch Kenneth
- Koch Kenneth
- Lehman David
- Levy Ellen
- Longenbach James
- McGurl Mark
- Menand Louis
- Mills C. Wright
- O’Hara Frank
- O’Hara Frank
- O’Hara Frank
- O’Hara Frank
- O’Hara Frank
- Parisi Joseph,
- Young Stephen
- Perloff Marjorie
- Pope Alexander
- Pound Ezra
- Raditsa Leo,
- Fletcher Angus
- Rago Henry
- Rasula Jed
- Rifkin Libbie
- Roskolenko Harry
- Roskolenko Harry
- Ross Marlon B
- Safford Frank R
- Silverberg Mark
- Strandberg Victor
- Zuba Jesse
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 57, Issue 3
21 Sep 2016
The New York School, the Mainstream, and the Avant-Garde
Contemporary Literature Sep 2016, 57 (3) 346-378; DOI: 10.3368/cl.57.3.346
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