Table of Contents
June 20, 2017; Volume 58,Issue 2
Godfrey, MOLLIE
- You have accessRestricted accessPassing as Post-Racial: Philip Roth’s The Human Stain, Political Correctness, and the Post-Racial Passing NarrativeMOLLIE GODFREYContemporary Literature, June 2017, 58 (2) 233-261; DOI: GODFREYJames Madison University
Macmillan, REBECCA
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Archival Poetics of Claudia Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely: An American LyricREBECCA MACMILLANContemporary Literature, June 2017, 58 (2) 173-203; DOI: MACMILLANThe University of Texas at Austin
Partyka, JACLYN
- You have accessRestricted accessJoseph Anton’s Digital Doppelgänger: Salman Rushdie and the Rhetoric of Self-FashioningJACLYN PARTYKAContemporary Literature, June 2017, 58 (2) 204-232; DOI: PARTYKATemple University
Richards, JILL
- You have accessRestricted accessQueer Theory’s Bad Breakup: Psychoanalysis, Romantic Love, NegativityJILL RICHARDSContemporary Literature, June 2017, 58 (2) 296-303; DOI: RICHARDSYale University
Stefans, BRIAN KIM
- You have accessRestricted accessMaking Words GlobalBRIAN KIM STEFANSContemporary Literature, June 2017, 58 (2) 290-295; DOI: KIM STEFANSUniversity of California, Los Angeles
Watson, JINI KIM
- You have accessRestricted accessStories of the State: Literary Form and Authoritarianism in Ninotchka Rosca’s State of WarJINI KIM WATSONContemporary Literature, June 2017, 58 (2) 262-289; DOI: KIM WATSONNew York University