Index by author
December 01, 2018; Volume 59,Issue 4
Alexander, EDWARD
- You have accessRestricted accessReversible Time as Habitation in the Recent Poetry of Mei-mei BerssenbruggeEDWARD ALEXANDERContemporary Literature, December 2018, 59 (4) 413-446; DOI: ALEXANDERManhattan College
Gopinath, PRASEEDA
- You have accessRestricted accessEnglishman Writing: Self-Reflexivity and the Poetics of ProsePRASEEDA GOPINATHContemporary Literature, December 2018, 59 (4) 522-527; DOI: GOPINATHBinghamton University, State University of New York
Hoorenman, JOHANNA
- You have accessRestricted accessA Lingua Unicornis: Elizabeth Bishop and AnthropomorphismJOHANNA HOORENMANContemporary Literature, December 2018, 59 (4) 480-514; DOI: HOORENMANUtrecht University
Rothberg, MICHAEL
- You have accessRestricted accessOf Beneficiaries and Other Implicated SubjectsMICHAEL ROTHBERGContemporary Literature, December 2018, 59 (4) 528-538; DOI: ROTHBERGUniversity of California, Los Angeles
Townsend, SARAH L.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe End(s) of Irish NationalismSARAH L. TOWNSENDContemporary Literature, December 2018, 59 (4) 515-521; DOI: L. TOWNSENDUniversity of New Mexico
Wallace, CYNTHIA R.
- You have accessRestricted accessA Cloud of Unknowing: Agonistic Anticolonial Ethics in Louise Erdrich’s The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No HorseCYNTHIA R. WALLACEContemporary Literature, December 2018, 59 (4) 447-479; DOI: R. WALLACESt. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan