Research ArticleArticles
Deus Ex Algorithmo: Narrative Form, Computation, and the Fate of the World in David Mitchell’s Ghostwritten and Richard Powers’s The Overstory
Contemporary Literature, March 2019, 60 (1) 47-71; DOI:
Ghent University
- Barad Karen
- Barnard Rita
- Bogost Ian
- Bordwell David
- Caracciolo Marco
- Caracciolo Marco
- Clark Andy,
- Chalmers David
- Clark Timothy
- Crist Eileen
- Drucker Johanna
- Ensslin Astrid
- Finn Ed
- Gagliano Monica,
- Ryan John C.,
- Vieira Patrícia
- Gell Alfred
- Ghosh Amitav
- Golumbia David
- Grusin Richard
- Harris-Birtill Rose
- Hayles N. Katherine
- Hayles N. Katherine
- Heise Ursula K
- Horst Steven
- Hutchins Edwin
- Jagoda Patrick
- James Erin
- Jamieson Dale
- Johns-Putra Adeline
- Lakoff George,
- Johnson Mark
- Lovelock James
- Mitchell David
- National Science Foundation
- Nersessian Anahid
- Norwood Gilbert
- Powers Richard
- Robertson Benjamin J
- Scalise Sugiyama Michelle
- Schmitt Arnaud
- Serpell C. Namwali
- Trexler Adam
- Varela Francisco J,
- Thompson Evan,
- Rosch Eleanor
- Watt Ian
- White Lynn, Jr
- Wohlleben Peter
- Wolfe Cary
- Zapf Hubert
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 60, Issue 1
20 Mar 2019
Deus Ex Algorithmo: Narrative Form, Computation, and the Fate of the World in David Mitchell’s Ghostwritten and Richard Powers’s The Overstory
Contemporary Literature Mar 2019, 60 (1) 47-71; DOI: 10.3368/cl.60.1.47
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