Research ArticleArticles
The Documentary Photo-Poetics of C. D. Wright and Deborah Luster
Contemporary Literature, June 2020, 60 (2) 253-281; DOI:
Brown University

- Abbott Jack Henry
- Alexander Michelle
- Baker Kenneth
- Barthes Roland
- Barthes Roland
- Berner Jennie
- Brady Christine
- Brochier Jean-Jacques
- Browne Simone
- Burt Stephanie [Stephen]
- Butler Judith
- Butler Judith
- Cadava Eduardo
- Caldwell Erskine,
- Bourke-White Margaret
- Colburn Nadia Herman
- Culler Jonathan
- de Man Paul
- Dayan Colin
- DuVernay Ava
- Earl Martin
- Fontanier Pierre
- Foucault Michel
- Gilbert Alan
- Glissant Édouard
- Glueck Grace
- Holmes Oliver Wendell
- Human Rights Watch
- Krauss Rosalind
- Lyon Danny
- Mill John Stuart
- Mirzoeff Nicholas
- Nancy Jean-Luc
- “The Punishing Decade.” Justice Policy Institute. May 2000, Accessed 21 May 2016.
- Rhodes Lorna
- Riis Jacob
- Ruffin v. Commonwealth, 62 VA. 790, 796 (1871).
- Sontag Susan
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- Wright C. D
- Wright C. D
- Wright C. D
- Wright C. D
- Wright C. D.,
- Luster Deborah
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 60, Issue 2
20 Jun 2020
The Documentary Photo-Poetics of C. D. Wright and Deborah Luster
Contemporary Literature Jun 2020, 60 (2) 253-281; DOI: 10.3368/cl.60.2.253
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