Index by author
March 20, 2021; Volume 61,Issue 1
Ann Greaves, Margaret
- You have accessRestricted access“Vast and Unreadable”: Tracy K. Smith, Astronomy, and Lyric Opacity in Contemporary PoetryMargaret Ann GreavesContemporary Literature, March 2021, 61 (1) 1-31; DOI: Ann GreavesSkidmore College
Elkins, Amy E.
- You have accessRestricted access“Draw Deep from Your Palette”: Lorna Goodison’s Poetics of PigmentAmy E. ElkinsContemporary Literature, March 2021, 61 (1) 89-117; DOI: E. ElkinsMacalester College
Lea, Daniel
- You have accessRestricted accessLiquid Lives: Solidifying Strategies in Jon McGregor’s Early NovelsDaniel LeaContemporary Literature, March 2021, 61 (1) 66-88; DOI: LeaOxford Brookes University
Mix, Deborah
- You have accessRestricted accessLaboratories of the Avant-GardeDeborah MixContemporary Literature, March 2021, 61 (1) 127-132; DOI: MixBall State University
Rogers, Asha
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Dead Ends of Decolonization, or Faith in the Literary?Asha RogersContemporary Literature, March 2021, 61 (1) 118-126; DOI: RogersUniversity of Birmingham
Szymanska, Kasia
- You have accessRestricted accessPeeping through the Holes of a Translated Palimpsest in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Tree of CodesKasia SzymanskaContemporary Literature, March 2021, 61 (1) 32-65; DOI: SzymanskaTrinity College, Dublin