Index by author

  1. Ann Greaves, Margaret

    1. “Vast and Unreadable”: Tracy K. Smith, Astronomy, and Lyric Opacity in Contemporary Poetry
      Margaret Ann Greaves
  2. Elkins, Amy E.

    1. “Draw Deep from Your Palette”: Lorna Goodison’s Poetics of Pigment
      Amy E. Elkins
  3. Lea, Daniel

    1. Liquid Lives: Solidifying Strategies in Jon McGregor’s Early Novels
      Daniel Lea
  4. Mix, Deborah

    1. Laboratories of the Avant-Garde
      Deborah Mix
  5. Rogers, Asha

    1. The Dead Ends of Decolonization, or Faith in the Literary?
      Asha Rogers
  6. Szymanska, Kasia

    1. Peeping through the Holes of a Translated Palimpsest in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Tree of Codes
      Kasia Szymanska