Research ArticleArticle
Cruising the Real Estate of Empire: Chris Kraus’s Road Novels
Myka Tucker–Abramson
Contemporary Literature, March 2022, 62 (1) 67-96; DOI:
Myka Tucker–Abramson
University of Warwick

- Arrighi, Giovanni.
- Bernt, Matthias,
- Britta Grell, and
- Andrej Holm
- Bewes, Timothy.
- Bigsby, Christopher W. E.
- Billard, Jillian.
- Bold, Christine.
- Brigham, Ann.
- Buck-Morss, Susan.
- Burroughs, William S.
- Burrows, Edwin G.
- Clark, Eric.
- Coury, David N., and
- Frank Pilipp.
- Crosthwaite, Paul.
- Davis, Mike.
- Delany, Samuel.
- Deutsche, Rosalyn, and
- Cara Gendel Ryan.
- Ehrenberg, Ilya.
- Ermath, Michael
- Fernandez, Rodrigo,
- Annelore Hoffman, and
- Manuel B. Aalbers
- Fluck, Winfried.
- Foote, Thelma Wills.
- Gindin, Sam, and
- Leo Panitch.
- Goonewardena, Kanishka.
- Grandin, Greg.
- Grandin, Greg.
- Green, Linda.
- Hackworth, Jason, and
- Neil Smith.
- Harvey, David.
- Harvey, David.
- Heti, Sheila.
- Highsmith, Patricia.
- Huber, Matthew T.
- Jameson, Fredric.
- Kaplan, Amy.
- Kerouac, Jack.
- Kraus, Chris.
- Kraus, Chris.
- Kraus, Chris.
- Krueger, Katharine Byrne.
- Lees, Loretta,
- Tom Slater, and
- Elvin K.
- Lloyd, David, and
- Patrick Wolfe.
- Luiselli, Valeria.
- Menjívar, Cecilia.
- Mitchell, Silas Weir.
- Moody, Alys.
- Moore, Jason.
- Neel, Phil A.
- Ngô, Fiona I. B.
- Niblett, Michel.
- Noys, Benjamin.
- Paley, Dawn.
- Pommerin, Reiner.
- Pritchard, Evan T.
- Robinson, William.
- Sassen, Saskia.
- Sassen, Saskia.
- Schildt, Axel.
- See, Sarita Echavez.
- Sinykin, Dan N.
- Slater, Tom.
- Smith, Neil.
- Smith, Neil.
- Antipode
- Stein, Samuel.
- Steinbeck, John.
- Strom, Elizabeth, and
- Margit Mayer.
- Stuelke, Patricia.
- Sykes, Rachel.
- Tucker-Abramson, Myka.
- Veracini, Lorenzo.
- Ward, Jesmyn.
In this issue
Contemporary Literature
Vol. 62, Issue 1
20 Mar 2022
Cruising the Real Estate of Empire: Chris Kraus’s Road Novels
Myka Tucker–Abramson
Contemporary Literature Mar 2022, 62 (1) 67-96; DOI: 10.3368/cl.62.1.67
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