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- You have accessRestricted accessContemporary Poetry and the Matter of HistoryLISA HOLLENBACHContemporary Literature, September 2016, 57 (3) 441-447; DOI: HOLLENBACHOklahoma State University
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- You have accessRestricted accessThe Remains of Empire and SlaveryCRYSTAL PARIKHContemporary Literature, March 2016, 57 (1) 148-152; DOI: PARIKHNew York University
- You have accessRestricted accessForms of Asian Americanness in Contemporary PoetryMICHAEL LEONGContemporary Literature, March 2016, 57 (1) 135-140; DOI: LEONGUniversity at Albany, State University of New York
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- You have accessRestricted accessThe Sexual Politics of Massive ResistanceAMY CLUKEYContemporary Literature, December 2015, 56 (4) 705-716; DOI: CLUKEYUniversity of Louisville