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- You have accessRestricted access“What Time Has to Do with Him”: Queer Temporalities in Robert Duncan’s The H. D. Book and “A Seventeenth Century Suite”Toby AltmanContemporary Literature, September 2022, 62 (3) 338-370; DOI: AltmanBeloit College
- You have accessRestricted accessFinding Jane: Lyric Individualism, True Crime, and Maggie Nelson’s MultiplicityDiana FilarContemporary Literature, September 2022, 62 (3) 371-396; DOI: FilarBrandeis University
- You have accessRestricted accessSpeculative Geologies: Project Mohole and Anthropocene Narratives in the Work of Reza Negarestani and Karen Tei YamashitaPatrick WhitmarshContemporary Literature, September 2022, 62 (3) 397-429; DOI: WhitmarshWofford College
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Hidden Continents of PublishingAndrew GoldstoneContemporary Literature, September 2022, 62 (3) 430-439; DOI: GoldstoneRutgers University, New Brunswick
- You have accessRestricted accessWhen the Untheorizable Sustains a Poetry of the Unthinkable, or Theorizing Hemispheric PoeticsJosé Felipe AlvergueContemporary Literature, September 2022, 62 (3) 440-447; DOI:é Felipe AlvergueUniversity of Wisconsin–Eau Claire
- You have accessRestricted accessContributorsContemporary Literature, September 2022, 62 (3) 448-449; DOI:
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- You have accessRestricted accessContributorsContemporary Literature, June 2022, 62 (2) 276-277; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Interview with Ivan VladislavićJane Poyner and Josh JewellContemporary Literature, June 2022, 62 (2) 141-176; DOI:
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