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- You have accessRestricted accessPhallicism and Ambivalence in Alice Munro’s “Bardon Bus”Elizabeth A. ShihContemporary Literature, March 2003, 44 (1) 73-105; DOI: A. ShihUniversity of Toronto
- You have accessRestricted accessPostmodern Amnesia: Trauma and Forgetting in Tim O’Brien’s In the Lake of the WoodsTimothy MelleyContemporary Literature, March 2003, 44 (1) 106-131; DOI: MelleyMiami University
- You have accessRestricted accessWriting about the InconceivableElaine M. KauvarContemporary Literature, March 2003, 44 (1) 132-150; DOI: M. KauvarBaruch College City University of New York
- You have accessRestricted accessHistory Itself? or, The Romance of PostmodernismBrian MchaleContemporary Literature, March 2003, 44 (1) 151-161; DOI: MchaleThe Ohio State University
- You have accessRestricted accessMultiplying ModernismsNick LolordoContemporary Literature, March 2003, 44 (1) 162-171; DOI: LolordoUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas
- You have accessRestricted accessAstonishment and ExperimentationJuliana SpahrContemporary Literature, March 2003, 44 (1) 172-175; DOI: SpahrUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa
- You have accessRestricted accessEvanescence, Language, and Dread: Reading Don DeLilloThomas CarmichaelContemporary Literature, March 2003, 44 (1) 176-180; DOI: CarmichaelUniversity of Western Ontario
- You have accessRestricted accessSpun Puns (and Anagrams): Exchange Economies, Subjectivity, and History in Harryette Mullen’s Muse & DrudgeMitchum HuehlsContemporary Literature, March 2003, 44 (1) 19-46; DOI: HuehlsUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison